
September 23, 2024

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DENNIS JERNIGAN - New Album Release Announcement and Giveaway!

Hey everyone!

Today is a deeply meaningful day for me because we're announcing the release of my brand new album, SANCTUARY! It's incredible to think that less than a week ago I released PEACE with you, but this new album is something truly special and close to my heart.

On January 28, 2019, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Over the years, I've noticed changes in my voice, but my passion for making music remains unwavering. This album is a collection of songs I recorded as demos from years gone by that had never been released. Even though Parkinson's presents challenges, I see God using this time for good, and He has been my Sanctuary throughout this journey.

Sanctuary includes both these earlier demos and a few new tracks I've recorded since my diagnosis. While you might notice variations in my voice, what you will undoubtedly hear is my deep passion and commitment to this music. My prayer is that these songs bless you and provide a sense of sanctuary amidst the storms in your own life.

You can stream or download SANCTUARY on all major platforms starting October 4th!

Some of the new tracks to look forward to include:

Speechless  A joyous and upbeat proclamation of how I feel about God's love for me.

Relentless  An apt description of how the Father pursues us. 

Oh, Give Thanks  A song that has been used in ministry for countless years. Give thanks and let us say so!

To celebrate, I'm hosting another giveaway for a free download of SANCTUARY, so go to my facebook or instagram to participate! Make sure to follow my page, like the post, and share the giveaway to your page or story to be entered for the drawing. The contest will be held September 25th thru 30th. The winner will be announced October 2nd!


Follow me here:

FACEBOOK TheRealDennisJernigan

Instagram - dennisjernigan

Thank you for your incredible support and love. Your encouragement means the world to me and keeps me inspired to keep creating. I can't wait for you to experience this new chapter with me!





November 2019

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Picture of Dennis and Melinda Jernigan on their property
November 2019

Each year during the month of November, we as a nation set aside a day of Thanksgiving. Often, we gather for family meals (feasts!) and regale one another with wonderful memories of times gone by. Often, we laugh until we feel our stomachs begin to ache (or it could be the sheer amount of the turkey and pumpkin pie we consumed!). Often, we sit around the room expressing things we are grateful for, especially the people we are grateful for.

This leads me to ponder each year the things I am most grateful for.

Here are the five things I'm most grateful for:


Even though my health issues seem to color each and every aspect of my life in some way, I am grateful for the fact that the love of my family is steadfast. My wife is my bedrock. My children, including in-laws, are my encouragement. My grandchildren remind me I am the richest man on earth. My family gives me a reason to keep fighting and to keep fixing my eyes on Jesus. They are my heart's dearest treasures.


Fellowship of Believers

I am blessed to have pastored a small group of believers each week for many years now. Meeting in our living room each Wednesday night,All In All Churchgives me something to look forward to each week: worshiping God with other believers and ministering to wounded souls. I am grateful for this community of faith that gives me far more encouragement than I could possibly give them.



Jesus had a small inner circle of friends. Even though my circle is a bit smaller than that of Jesus, it is still life to me. Knowing I have a handful of men I can unburden my soul to keeps me focused on truth. But the reality is, I have literally thousands of friends around the world who constantly encourage me with their kind words via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, my website, Patreon, and this newsletter!

Truth is, not everyone can be inner circle, but your kind encouragement via messages and emails is just as meaningful and affecting. I treasure each kind word I receive, and I am grateful.




What can I say? Apart from Jesus, I believe my life would fall apart and would have done so a long time ago. He keeps meeting me right where I am and keeps loving me enough to not leave me there, even pulling me out of my occasional miry pit of self-pity. I am His. He is mine. Relationship with Him is everything, and I am forever grateful for this fact. With Him, even Parkinson's bows its knee to Jesus and becomes a useful tool in the kingdom of God. I am so grateful that my God wastes nothing and that He is with me and gives me grace to endure.


Freedom to Create

Due to my health issues, I have had to become more intentional in my creativity. Each day, I try to schedule some sort of creative endeavor, exercise, or discipline to keep my mind sharp and focused on Jesus and upon the needs of others. With each creative endeavor, I feel an infusion of life where death tries to raise its ugly head. The result of having the freedom to create is gratitude. And the resulting benefit? Yet another reason to keep fighting for life.



What are you grateful for? Make a list, and then show Him that list. Count your blessings, name them one by one.


P.S. I'll be releasing my new devotional book next week. You can preorder theebooknow or get the paperback on November 25th. I'll let you know when it's officially out in the world!

Fun Songs & Lullabies album cover
Latest Release
The Light Eater

The Kingdom of Bren faces a deadly foe. Can the Jennings children defeat a light-eating dragon in time to save the realm?

Full of fiery trials, surprising reunions, and frightening foes, The Light Eater is the second book in the Bairns of Bren series, which chronicles the adventures of the Jennings in the land of Bren, their grandfather's kingdom.

Get it on Amazon
Get it on another store



I am able to continue my ministry largely through the generosity of people like you.

To receive daily devotions, free songs, new releases, behind the scenes videos soI could go on and support my ministry, become a Patron.

To give a tax-deductible one-time or recurring gift, visit All in All Church.

Either way, I'm incredibly grateful!

Support My Ministry


All in All Church


November 27, 2016

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Thanksgiving Gifts and Support

The Dennis Jernigan Newsletter - November 2016

Monthly Events and News from The Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

How to Give Special One-of-a-kind Gifts
and Support the Work of Ministry!

Dennis and Melinda Jernigan are called to point people to Jesus with their life. Dennis is constantly telling his story of redemption and deliverance and healing and salvation through his many public appearances or via the internet. Whenever you purchase one of his recordings or a book, you are actually supporting the work of ministry God has called Dennis and Melinda to. We at Shepherd'€™s Heart Music humbly ask that you consider one of the following items as a gift for a loved one this Christmas season and, in so doing, help continue the work God has called the Jernigans to.

The Chronicles of Bren

First Love CD

First Love Worship & Song History
Christmas Recordings

DJ's Lifework iPod

Sing Over Me

Children's Books

The Chronicles of Bren

altIf you are concerned about finding safe, quality, fantasy books for your children or grandchildren, consider this series by Dennis Jernigan called the Chronicles of Bren! The Chronicles of Bren is a three-book fantasy series for young people, ages 10 to 110. In the vain of The Chronicles of Narnia, Dennis has crafted a story designed to lead young people to seek for and discover their ultimate destiny and identity. Full of fantastic creatures and a suspense-filled adventure, The Chronicles of Bren follows the life and legacy of a young man named Lee Jennings. Lee lives in fear of local bullies and chooses to fight back one day - and finds himself in hot water and running for his life! What happens next is the saga of Lee Jennings falling into another world and into a new identity! How he gets there is part of the fun.

As an added bonus, the reader can go to where he or she will find many features not included in the book - like songs for the journey for books one and two; like simple drawings by Dennis Jernigan of what some of the characters look like to him; like a free book called The Bairn of Bren which features the grandchildren of Dennis Jernigan as the main characters!

The three-book set is only $40.00 at

First Love - Brand New Recording


In June 2016, Dennis Jernigan went into the studio of American Family Association in Tupelo, MS and recorded 16 intimate songs of worship, just DJ and a piano. Called First Love because 10 of the songs are some of the first songs Dennis used in his public ministry, it was like a return to his first love - Jesus. Simple, intimate, raw, heartfelt worship. Also included are 6 new songs Dennis felt should be a part of this collection. Below is a list of the songs you will receive:

1 First Love
2 Who Can Satisfy My Soul
3 We Will Worship The Lamb Of Glory
4 Faithful And True
5 Passionate Obsession
6 I Stand Amazed
7 If I Could Just Sit With You Awhile
8 Your Love Is Too Pure
9 Redeemer
10 I Need To Know You
11 You Are My Life
12 Just Keep Breathing
13 When The Night Is Falling
14 Thank You, Lord
15 You Are My All In All
16 I Lay Me Down

It is available for download, and the CD can be purchased by calling 1-800-877-0406 or online at

Get your copy today for only $9.98! Add the USB drive of First Love Worship and Story Behind the Song Videos for only $19.95 more! See below.

First Love Worship
and Story Behind the Song Videos!

Dennis and Melinda minister to people in their home each and every week. Utilizing their living room as a worship/healing center, the music found on the new recording, First Love, is a big part of that ministry.To help facilitate the type of ministry they experience in their living room. Dennis has created a 32 video series for use in small group settings or personal devotion.Each song from the recording has a corresponding worship video, complete with lyrics streaming across the screen to help your group worship along with Dennis as he sings.

In addition, Dennis has created a video for each song telling the story behind the song. These videos alone are meant to encourage the viewer to deeper places of healing and faith in their own lives and can be used as teaching tools for small groups or for personal study. All 32 videos are available on a USB drive as mp4 files, compatible on most computer formats.This $60.00 value can be purchased for $29.95! 1-800-877-0406 to order your copy in time for Christmas.

As a Christmas bonus, if you purchase both the CD and USB Drive the special reduced price for both is $29.95! You save $10.00 by purchasing both!

Christmas Recordings of Dennis Jernigan


The following Christmas recordings by Dennis Jernigan are available for download at

Christmas Piano Volume 1

Christmas Piano Volume 2

Jernigan Family Christmas

Like Christmas All Year '€˜Round

Carols Made New

Dennis Jernigan Lifeworks iPod

We have now compiled all known Dennis Jernigan recordings into one place! This is a wonderful way to complete your Dennis Jernigan library AND support the work of ministry God has called Dennis Jernigan to. You receive not only all of Dennis' major releases but several titles never released in a digital form (even one vinyl recording!) or in only very limited release. Purchase online or call
Value: $1200.00
Your Cost:$750.00

Sing Over Me


Dennis Jernigan's powerful story of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ is available as DVD or as his written autobiography.

Sing Over Me DVD - $14.99
Sing Over Me Book - $14.95

Books For Children:
Daddy'€™s Song


This story was written for my children as a means of explaining the redeeming love of Jesus to them. It grew out of and was created out of my own story of redemption. Being asked to share my story in such a public way since the time my children were small, I needed a way to tell them about my own story of redemption in a way that would not be too much of a burden for them to bear. Daddy'€™s Song became the perfect bridge to lead my own children to Jesus and, when they were old enough to understand, the perfect explanation to the reality and the depths of my own deliverance from sin. It is a family heritage and treasure. May it prove the same for you and yours. - Dennis Jernigan

Available in hard or soft cover:
INCLUDED inside the cover is a CD audio version of the book

Daddy'€™s Song

Books For Children:
The Christmas Dream

altThe Christmas Dream is the story of a little boy who loves Christmas. He loves the festivities. He loves the decorations. He loves the wonder of Christmas. He loves everything about it. One night, he falls asleep and is transported into a realm where he meets God, and God teaches him about the true meaning of Christmas. Told as an adventure, Dennis Jernigan designed The Christmas Dream as a means of teaching his own son about the meaning of Christmas. This story can serve as a valuable tool in leading your child or grandchild to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. It also serves to remind the adult reader to not stray too far from the wonder of Christmas . . . and to have a childlike faith.

Available in hard or soft cover:
INCLUDED inside the cover is a CD audio version of the book

The Christmas Dream

How To Have Dennis Come and Minister

People often ask me how a certain church or ministry was able to have me in to minister. The answer is quite simple. They asked. The way we have always operated is to wait on the Lord for opportunities to present themselves. When I am invited somewhere my team and I look at three criteria. One, do we feel called of the Lord to accept the invitation? Two, is there provision for the event (travel expenses, lodging, love offering/honorarium, etc). Three, is the date open or compatible with my schedule?

We Do Have Dates Available

That being said, we have a few dates open, contact us to find out when. You have not because you ask not;so ask. Call Annē Kay at 918-685-2268 or contact her via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Have you heard of my new ministry
One on One with DJ?

Watch the video now to learn more.


Copyright 2016 Shepherd's Heart Music, Inc., All rights reserved.

To schedule Dennis for a concert or ministry event:
Contact Anne Kay at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or1 (800) 877-0406

Our mailing address is:
7804 W Fern Mountain Road
Muskogee, OK 74401

Place an order by phone:1 (800) 877-0406


November 3, 2016

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DJ Newsletter
November 3, 2016

Upcoming Events - The First Love Tour Begins!

Prince of Peace Church - November 4, 2016
Tomorrow evening, Friday, November 4, Dennis and Melinda will be ministering at PRINCE OF PEACE located at 1701 Martin Luther Dr., Arlington, TX. Dennis will be leading worship introducing the music from his latest recording, First Love! The worship begins at 7 PM! Pre-release copies of the 16 song recording, First Love, will be available for purchase!

Church of the Rock - Lane, OK - November 6, 2016
Sunday morning, Dennis will be leading worship and ministering at Church of the Rock in Lane, OK. Located at 996 E HWY 3, Lane, OK, the service begins at 11 AM. DJ will be sharing new music from the brand new recording, First Love, and will be sharing on identity in Christ.

First Love - New Recording Available Soon!
DJ’s brand new recording called First Love will be ready for shipment on November 12, 2016…but you may order your copy today to insure that you receive ASAP! Call 1-800-877-0406 to place your order. First Love is simple: Dennis Jernigan singing his most beloved songs in intimate worship live at the piano. In addition, he shares six new songs sure to encourage your heart and lead to depths of intimacy with Jesus. The entire album will be available for download at or on iTunes by November 18.

On My Heart
As the 35th anniversary of my freedom approaches, I am pondering all God has done and yet bewildered by what I see happening to our culture

As I watch the culture decaying before my eyes, I ask the Lord for wisdom and clarity in the chaos. What I am coming away with is two distinct and parallel callings upon my life - two declarations:

1) The enemy has done a number on our culture concerning our very human identity. If we look at and operate from the Creator's design for us, we easily and logically see that when one is born a male, he is a man and should pursue the masculine identity. It follows that when one is born a female, she is a woman and should pursue the feminine identity. Wrong feelings simply declare that a lie is being believed somewhere in the thought process. Our enemy is THE Liar and his only power is deception. Oversimplification? I don’t believe so! Jesus has been setting people free from stinkin' thinkin' regarding sexuality for thousands of years now! Just read this:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 NASB

2) The church has fallen into the deception and, in so doing, has watered down the Gospel. Oversimplification? I do not believe so! When is the last time you heard a sermon calling people to repentance from their sin? When is the last sermon you heard declaring the power of the blood? When is the last sermon you heard calling people to the cross of Christ? We have become so concerned about how people feel that we have often completely abandoned the Truth! This generation is headed for traffic. Who will step between them and the oncoming destruction?

My prayer is that my life would communicate the Truth without compromise yet communicate the hard facts of Truth with great compassion and love for those I see headed for sure destruction.
Dennis Jernigan

PS Here is song born out of all these thoughts:


April 2015

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Dear Friends,
Please help us get the word out about a change in our monthly
Nights of Praise in Oklahoma City. Beginning in May our location
will change to First Church Oklahoma City for the entire summer,
May through August. We would love for you to join us!

May 29
June 26
July 24
August 28

Join Dennis as he leads the OKC Night of Praise at 7:00 PM in Oklahoma City, OK.
First Church Oklahoma City
131 NW 4th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73102
For directions visit their website here.


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