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August 2011

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

August 1, 2011


• What To Do When It’s Hot and Dry

• Song Receiver’s Tip of the Week

• Broadcast Tonight – Worship From the Living Room!

• Something’s Coming – FREE mp3 download of the month!


What To Do When It’s Hot and Dry

Have you noticed it’s hot and dry in our nation? Duh! It is so readily visible the effects of extended heat and lack of rain. The lawns are dry and brown. The local cornfield is withered and un-harvestable. Even the tops of the trees are beginning to turn brown, giving the forests a ruddy glaze. Our governor in Oklahoma, Mary Fallin, has asked for us to pray for rain…and since doing so, we have experienced several showers in our region! As I sat down to read my devotional thought for the day, I was blown away by the Lord’s creativity. I write the devotions for DJ Insiders 6 months ahead of time. Below is what came up for today. Read and be encouraged that God sees our need LONG before we even know we will have it…and be encouraged that He is a ready source of constant Living Water in the dry times of our lives.


Daily Devotion - August 1, 2011

“…Living Water, run through me…”

Have you ever seen a houseplant that was green, lush, and vibrant one day and browning, lifeless, and wilted the next? What was your first thought? That plant needs water, right? And we rush to pour water into the soil surrounding the plant and watch, as if by some miracle, the plant begins to revive and come back to life within a few hours. Life is the miracle…and life is to be nurtured. We get that when it comes to plants, and pets, and children…but what about nurturing our own life? We come upon times of dryness, weariness, and lifelessness and we often have no one to blame but ourselves. Are we nurturing our minds with His Word and His thoughts? Are we nurturing our emotions with the Truth of what He thinks of us? Are we watering our own souls with the water of His Word? Spend time today watering your thoughts, emotions, and innermost being with the Truth of who our God says you are.

Watch over your heart with all diligence,

For from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23 NASB

You can become a DJInsider and receive devotions daily via email. The small membership fee helps support the work of ministry of Dennis Jernigan as he endeavors to lead the captive to freedom through relationship with Jesus Christ. To join, go to

Song Receiver’s Tip of the Week

It is DJ’s goal to begin publishing a creative thought each week to help you delve into deeper places in your own creativity – whether that results in a new song or some great invention that revolutionizes industry! Take advantage of this resource at

Broadcast Tonight – Worship From the Living Room!

Even though we missed last month, we are picking up where we left off! Please let everyone know that DJ will be ministering LIVE from his piano at 9 PM CST. Go to to be a part of the broadcast. Later today, DJ will post a list of the lyrics he for tonight’s worship/ministry time so that you may be an active participant in worship if you like. Go to either of the following links before the broadcast to get your copy of lyrics.


Something’s Coming – FREE mp3 download of the month!

Below is a brief explanation of the story behind this new song. We are currently having internet difficulties concerning our ability to get it loaded…so check in again this evening and we should have it ready to go! Here’s a little inside info as well. Later this week we will be giving away another free mp3 we think you’ll be excited about.



Watch the video and worship along at

For your free mp3, go to


Something’s Coming - Song History

Words & Music: Dennis Jernigan

Received on July 28, 2011

For Jack Taylor

Several things went into the birth of this song. As  write this, much of our nation is in a heat wave (30 days and counting of 100 degree + weather) and a drought. Personally, we had been struggling financially and I was wondering whether I should try to find a ‘regular’ job or continue in ministry as God had called me. I asked the Lord for a sign. The next day, I went to the mailbox and there was a check with a financial blessing. I cried all the way up our driveway at the Lord’s provision...having worked it out long before I would even express the need.

My daughter, Anne, is engaged to be married. She and her fiance’ have little money and feel called to stay out of debt. In their desire to save money, she asked me if I knew of anyone with a vacation cabin anywhere in eastern Oklahoma that could be used for their honeymoon. I knew of no one and simply gave it to the Lord. The day after I received the financial blessing in the mail, I received an email from a man I have never met. He told me of a brand new cabin he and his wife had just built in southeastern Oklahoma and offered its use to me and my family. God’s provision and timing blew my mind this week.

The next day, my spiritual papa, Jack Taylor, told me he was three hours I drove down to spend a couple of hours with he and his son, my good friend, Tim (not the tool man!) Taylor. We talked about God’s provision and presence and Jack reminded me of this verse in Isaiah:

It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

Isaiah 65:24 NASB

God has my back...even when life leaves me feeling thrown under the bus or abandoned. My Father has my back and is more than ready to pour Himself out on me. As I left Jack and Tim, coming away refreshed, having talked about spiritual things...what God is up to...the Kingdom...I felt an expectancy on the way home. Soon, a song of crying out for more began to emerge from my I sang that song into my phone so I would remember it.

I could not wait to get home and finish the song...but as I sat there at my piano, a NEW song began to pour from my spirit. That song became Something’s Coming...a song of determined expectancy. In other words, I may be in a desert in life but that is no excuse to not step out into the rain of His presence as often as necessary. His presence is not hindered by my circumstances or moods or temptations or ANYTHING! As a child of the Most High God, as a joint-heir with Christ, and as a new creation I may enter BOLDLY at any moment under any circumstances. I am determined to always expect His interaction in my life regardless of what I may feel.

This song is about stepping out into the Rain of His realm and presence. So, step out into the Rain!