August 11, 2011 Newsletter

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Dennis Jernigan Newsletter

August 8, 2011


• Night of Praise in Breckenridge, CO


• New Book Coming Soon!

• Small Sound System Needed

• Three New Songs and Two Free mp3s

Night of Praise in Breckenridge, CO

Join Melinda and I this coming Saturday evening, August 13, at Agape Outpost Chapel. We will be worshiping in the church’s Amphitheater on the Blue River…right next to the church building! The NOP begins at 6PM. Agape Outpost Chapel is located at 15404 Highway 9, Breckenridge, CO. For more information and directions, please call (970) 453-1247 or visit their web site here.


It is nearly time, once again, for the next Next Generation Creative Institute. For anyone, young or old, who has a need for joining with other believers for inspiration and creative encouragement, consider joining Dennis and Melinda in their home for this three day event. The upcoming NGCI will take place Spetember 9-11. I thoroughly enjoy these times of refreshing and encouragement and probably get more out of them than the attenders! Go to to register.

I hope to see you there!


New Book Coming Soon!

My first-ever attempt at writing a novel in the fantasy realm (think The Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings) is about to be published as an eBook. We wanted to remind you that the book will soon be here…and we would like to whet your appetite by posting the following review of the book:

What Others Are Saying About Captured

Dennis has allowed a select few to read the early manuscript of Captured. The following was written by one of those individuals:

“Thank you so much for the privilege of reading your book before it is published.  I thoroughly enjoyed it!  It is always amazing to me the creativity that goes into writing a work of fiction.  Making up all these elements from scratch - the plot, the characters - and then add the 'fantasy' aspect. You aren't just creating a story but new and interesting creatures, fruits, places, etc...(and the names for all these things).

Speaking of names - I loved "Bren", "Ollieman", "Jidgel", "Treesants", and "Sniffum" and "Snuffim" to name a few (oh, and the "Kingdom of Rodenthe"!)  Your original creatures are fun and interesting (and some are just plain terrifying. I would never want to meet a pack of swine rats…not to mention the Chiroptera!)

You had me in the opening of the story.  Lee's past reminded me of your past, of course, but it also reminded me of "Silver Chair" with the bullies.  I can relate to bullies (hey, I attended public school) and I'm sure many people can relate to Lee.  So, the reader starts out rooting for Lee and then it just gets better.

I loved Arolis' pep talk to Leonolis in Chapter Nine.  It reminded me of Gandalf's talk to Frodo in "The Fellowship" (when Frodo tells Gandalf he wished the ring would have never come to him).  I also loved Arolis' encouragement in Chapter Eleven when Leonolis asks the "What if" questions. What a wise horse!

I enjoyed the prophecy of Leonolis in Chapter Eleven (destiny!), Augurian's talk in Chapter Sixteen ("join with those who love the light"), and King Troyolin's words in Chapter Twentyfour about the "wisdom of silence" (so true!).  The reconciliation of Lucian to his father was so moving and very powerful - awesome!  Also, the ending where Leonolis shares his journey with his father - I love it!

Thank you for sending me back to school and teaching me some new words. I had to look up "jocularity", "denizens", "phalanx" and "fie":).  I also liked the word "riderdom" (did you make it up?).   I've got to start using the word "funsy" because it makes me laugh.

I like the title "Captured" and think it is great for the beginning of the series.  A map could be really fun - there are so many interesting places and it would be nice being able to see Leonolis' journey (and for the future adventures in Bren).

It was an inspiration to witness Lee's transformation.  I'm sure there is a lot of just plain hard work in the time involved in writing a story like this. As a reader, I often think of the effort and time it takes to write while I just get to sit back and take it in.  It reminds me of listening to an orchestra performance or a play.  They've done all the practice and I just walk in, sit back and enjoy all the hard work.  So thank you!”


Captured will be available near the end of August 2011!!!!!

Small Sound System Needed

As you may or may not know, Dennis and Melinda have given their lives to seeing the captive set free. They use their home in ministry to those who struggle with everything from unwanted same sex attraction to those whose lives have been so wounded they seem beyond repair. They use their home to minister to couples that are having marital problems as well as to those who desire to be mentored and encouraged in their own ministry and creativity. They see their home as a hospital. Ministering out of their home they often have small gatherings of 20-30 people and have only a small guitar amp to serve as the public address system. Would you ask the Lord if He would like for you to be a part in helping Dennis and Melinda purchase this much-needed system? Our goal is to keep the cost under $1000. If you feel led to give, please go to Your gifts will go a long way in ministering to many hurting people. Thank you!

The Staff of Shepherd’s Heart Music and Dennis Jernigan

Three New Songs and Two Free mp3s

This month we are featuring two fee mp3s for free. The prophetic song ‘Something’s Coming’ and the worship song ‘Hosanna!’ Go to for your free mp3s and to read the story behind the songs…and please tell all your friends and worship leaders to do the same!


Because DJ ministers so often to the parents of young men and women who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction, he recently asked the Lord for a song of deliverance for parents. The song ‘Be My Child’ was the result. Go to this link to purchase the mp3

Something’s Coming Video

Hosanna! Video

Be My Child Video