Monday, January 5, 2009
The Language of Worship
I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to You among the nations.
Psalm 57:9 NASB
I led worship for a group of about 3,000 today. What was so amazing – besides the sheer joy of leading worship for ANY group of ANY size – was that 60% of those worshipping were from somewhere other than the US. Many were from African nations or Asian nations…and everywhere in between! Although the words were not displayed the heart of worship was evident. As I sang about Jesus coming again the crowd stood to their feet in adoration of the King of Kings. That moment transcended language. When I asked for those who needed to know whether it was going to be all right in a certain area of their lives, hundreds stood. Need for the assurance of God’s sovereignty transcended national boundaries. Even though we were not from similar cultures and did not speak the same earthly language, we all spoke the language of worship – hearts turned toward God in complete surrender and all desiring deeper relationship with our Creator. Pretty cool.

written by Michael Hargrave , May 26, 2010
Hey DJ,
Thanks for sharing what God gives you with us. You have impacted my life tremendously!!!(More than you probably know). I would consider it a great privilege if you could offer any feedback, tips, or encouragement for developing as a songwriter and artist. Blessings