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Special Sale at CBD

I just received this message from a friend:

Kingdom Come

I would like to ask you to consider going to iTunes and writing a review of my new recording, KINGDOM COME.

A Holy GPS

A Holy GPS

And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.
Romans 8:28 KJV

This week has been a blur of sorts. Only one thing has kept me going…and I’ll get to that soon. We finished a most successful Freedom Conference in Tulsa this past weekend and I was so full but oh so exhausted at the same time. I went right from that conference into last-minute preparations to launch the DJinsiders portion of my web site. On Tuesday, the Lord blessed me with a visit from a long-time friend. Even though he came for advise and fellowship, it was like a breath of fresh air for me just to be with one I can absolutely be myself with. Having ‘inner circle’ friends is a Jesus thing. He had 12. I do well to maintain the 7 I have! As he sought my counsel I felt very inadequate to meet his needs except to always point back to the Kingdom point of view. As we talked, I brought up how my GPS in my truck helps keep me on track…which got us started talking even more about the Kingdom point of view and then led us right into a time of deep prayer for one another. My new meaning for the acronym GPS is now God’s Point of Sight! After my buddy left Thursday morning, Melinda and I spent most of Thursday ministering to a couple concerning their marriage. Again, I felt somewhat inadequate so I defaulted to my new mantra. What’s God’s perspective or point of view in this situation? By the end of the day all parties were feeling hopeful, encouraged, and renewed. As I have thought about GPS – God’s Point of Sight – I have purposed to see as much of my life as possible from His point of view rather than my own. From there I can see how God has blessed our nation with its first African American president and brought so much healing to that segment of our society. From there I can see that we voted in an earthly messiah figure because the church has been more concerned with a moral kingdom than showing the true King/Messiah to the world around us. From God’s Point of Sight I can see that even if I do not agree with the social changes that may or may not be coming our way, God placed our new president in that position so there must be a way for me to shine the light of love in the midst of such a time as this. From GPS there has never been a better time to be alive and never a better time to share what I found as right now. Even in all the upheaval around us, God is in control. His perspective – GPS – has kept me going. Could it be that we stay on the right path if we listen to GPS? I see no better way to live than from His point of view. Let’s usher in the Kingdom by seeking the King and living life from HIS perspective.

A Praise Report

The Gathering of Church Bookstores ’09 Praise report:

Yesterday I led an hour and a half of prayer and praise over bookstores and bookstore managers and personnel from around the nation. Incredible time of intimacy…and lots of refreshing for some weary folks…many tears. Many, many stood in honesty for needed ministry and prayer. My friend, Reggie May, came and ran the EasyWorship lyric presentation for me. Since my manager’s (Dennis Disney) dad was to be undergoing surgery, Dennis could not be here to help so Reggie stepped in literally at the last minute and saved the day! Thanks, Reggie!

The evening concert was a presentation of authors and new books as well as the debut of my new recording (Kingdom Come) to this group. Wonderful worship and ministry with many again standing for ministry. As I ended my set the room erupted in applause and gratitude and worship…and the host – Dave Condiff – asked me to do another song. We ended with ‘I Cry Holy’.

One of my favorite moments was when ‘W’ impersonator, John Morgan who told me he was a huge fan and that he had once wanted to do what I do. God had other plans and since 2005 has been impersonating George W. Bush as a ministry! You’ve seen him on places like ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jay Leno and probably had no idea how much he loved Jesus. He does an amazing job…and is an excellent guitarist and singer. He sang and played ‘W’ singing the blues with a little Elvis thrown in. I loved it!

Two authors I think you should get to know:

Steven Scott
Steven Scott is the best-selling author of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Mentored by a Millionaire, A Millionaire's Notebook, and Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams. After failing nine jobs in his first six years after college, he learned the laws of life success by studying the Bible. He began creating companies and new products, and started marketing the products using a sales technique that had never before been tried on a large scale. Beginning with the American Telecast Corporation (ATC), Scott and his business partners have since built more than a dozen multimillion-dollar companies from scratch. His companies have generated sales of more than 2 billion dollars, making Scott one of the most successful marketing entrepreneurs in the history of direct-response television marketing. Scott has written, produced, and directed countless award-winning television productions and commercials featuring celebrities such as Kathy Lee Gifford, Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck, Chuck Norris, Michael Landon, and more than 70 other world renowned celebrities. He also is a popular speaker on the subjects of personal and professional achievement and corporate productivity.

This man of God wrote a new book on the wisdom of God’s Word and told stories of God’s miraculous answer to prayer that emboldened my faith. It was such an honor to share the platform with men who trust God the way he does.

Tullian Tchividjian
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian is the grandson of Ruth and Billy Graham. As a teenager he rebelled and ran from God, but in 1993 God radically saved him and he's never looked back. A graduate of Columbia International University and Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL, he has served on the pastoral staff of three churches. In 2003 he moved back home to start New City Presbyterian Church in south Florida. He is a popular conference speaker, Bible teacher, radio preacher, and the author of The Kingdom of God. An avid surfer, Tullian and his wife, Kim, have three children and live in Coconut Creek, Florida.
As the grandson of Billy and Ruth Graham, Tullian Tchividjian grew up hearing the Christian faith preached to millions. Yet he struggled to come to faith personally. His first book, Do I Know God? Captures the sincerity and intensity of his own spiritual quest, and shows the way for a new generation of seekers.

I LOVE Tullian! He spoke my heart as he described his new book ‘Unfashionable’, relating how he believes the church in America has compromised itself to seem more fashionable and palatable to the world…when God has called us to be different. All I could do was cry. I have yet another hero of the faith. I suddenly did not feel so alone in what God has called me to do and in who He has called me to be…and in the message He has called me to deliver…

After hearing from these amazing men of God, we all went to the convention floor where we signed books! I ran out of ‘Giant Killer’ books my publisher, WaterBrook/Multnomah Press had brought! Signed books and CDs for almost 2 hours…and came away so blessed to hear of how far God has taken the message of freedom and worship to so many and to such a varied number of places around the nation and world.

Thank you for praying!!!!

A Melancholy Day

Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Melancholy Day

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8 KJV

I spent a wonderful holiday break just being with my remaining children who have not left the nest and playing with them. So much has transpired during that break. Had a wonderful NOP in OKC which I led jointly with a young man I mentored when he was just a young teenager – Stephen Hinkle. He made me proud. Drove to St. Louis to spend a day with my daughter Glory and her husband, Shaun. My daughter Hannah became engaged to a wonderful Aussie man named Ashley Brown. All of those things are good and wonderful…but I feel like time has passed by so quickly. The break ended with me leaving home to minister for a week…so I sit here in my hotel room in Nashville missing my wife and my children and wondering where the time has gone…yet rejoicing in the fact that my wife is so faithful and that my children are all mature and independent. My melancholy is not a depression but rather a deep emotional nostalgia about all the good things I have witnessed and experienced as my children have grown up. They will always be my children and I rejoice in their lives well lived. Such feelings make me very, very grateful.

Missing my children…

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
- 3 John 1:4 KJV